About US

The Portage Garden Club is back with new presentations and meetings.

The Portage Garden Club was organized in 1969 and was federated in 1970 as a member club of the Michigan Garden Clubs (District III) and the National Garden Clubs.

We are a group of friends that share a passion for gardening and enjoy making a difference in our community. We meet February – December on the third Thursday of the month around noon, usually at the Stuart Manor in the Celery Flats. Our meetings include an opportunity for learning. Each program includes a presentation on a gardening related topic of interest to our members. We either have a guest speaker or a field trip.

Following are some examples of the activities and projects of our Portage Garden Club:

  • Coordinating with the Portage Parks Department, we planted and now maintain the perennial gardens around Stuart Manor in  Celery Flats.   

  • We have our annual plant
    sale and fund raiser the third Friday in May at a member’s home. The perennial and outdoor plants we share are ones from our own (and friends’) gardens that have done so well, we have extra. If there are any leftover plants, we donate most of them to Kalamazoo Valley Habitat for Humanity.
  • We donate and plant the annual gardens at the MediLodge Nursing Home in Portage.
  • We participate in Kalamazoo in Bloom by adopting and maintaining/weeding an annual bed near the Portage City Hall. 
  • We purchase, collect, and donate many mittens, gloves and hats to the Senior Center Needlers who then distribute them to those in our community that are in need of them.

We also contribute money to other community charities and organizations such as the Michigan Garden Club Scholarship Program, the Kalamazoo Nature Center, Portage Community Center, Kalamazoo in Bloom, Loda Lake Wildflower Sanctuary, the National Garden Clubs, Inc. project: Global Partners Running Water and Power Up Backpack Program.

We have a wonderful Club and always enjoy getting together to learn, work and play in our gardens!

Please visit our Facebook page for news and updates.

We are affiliated with the Michigan, Central Region and National Garden Clubs.